Technische versus Soft Skills: Wat is belangrijker en hoe test je ze?

Technische versus Soft Skills: Wat is belangrijker en hoe test je ze? In mijn jarenlange ervaring in de werving en selectie, met een sterke focus op de IT-sector, ben ik vaak de vraag tegengekomen: “Wat is belangrijker, technische of soft skills?” Het antwoord is, zoals vaak in het leven, niet zwart-wit. Beide zijn cruciaal, maar […]

How to succeed in your first year

Finally landed that new job you love? Congratulations! Once you’ve celebrated, we have some advice to start looking into the future. Maybe it’s a bit early but everyone starts a new job with the mindset that this is going to be the place for the coming years. Pearson & Partners believes that you already have […]

How to nail your first workday!

You interviewed multiple companies and finally started at that new job and you’re excited for the journey. In this article Pearson & Partners supplies you with some tips how to nail that first day at work. First of all, we understand that your first day at work can be a bit stressful because you want […]

Why The Y2K Problem Still Persists In Software Development

Chief Security Officer at BeyondTrust, overseeing the company’s security and governance for corporate and cloud-based solutions. The year 2000 was a technology challenge for every company and software vendor. Software produced prior to the year 2000 typically only stored the year as a two-digit value to preserve memory. When a program stored a value of […]

It’s Time to Get Rid of the IT Department

No man is an island. And the IT department shouldn’t be one, either. Despite their mission, which often talks about driving corporatewide innovation and digital transformation, chief information officers, as heads of these departments, are frequently reduced to running a metaphorical island. Just look at any organization’s structure, and you are very likely to see […]

Bedrijven betalen loyale IT’er minder dan jobhopper

Trouwe IT’ers die het afgelopen jaar in dienst bleven bij hun werkgever werden hier niet voor beloond. Hun salaris steeg slechts 2,3 procent. Dit blijkt uit salarisonderzoek dat Berenschot en AG Connect, in samenwerking met de KNVI, lieten uitvoeren onder 2.688 IT’ers. Een hoger salaris blijkt ook een belangrijke reden te zijn om een andere […]